$47.00 USD

Grief to Growth Online - A Pathway to Hope and Healing

Congratulations on taking the first step toward healing and growth. By joining the Grief to Growth Online Cohort, you're investing in a brighter, more hopeful future.

Over the next 8 weeks, you'll embark on a transformative journey, guided by expert coaches Matt and Kari Perkins, and supported by a community of like-minded individuals.

Your Grief to Growth Online Cohort includes:

🌟 8 Weeks of Transformative Content and Teaching: Immerse yourself in a comprehensive, thoughtfully designed curriculum that will help you navigate the complexities of grief and loss, enabling you to find hope and healing.

🌟 Group Coaching with Grief to Growth Founders, Matt and Kari Perkins: Benefit from the collective wisdom and experience of Matt and Kari, as they lead you through live group coaching sessions and provide valuable insights into your healing journey.

🌟 Proven Framework to Transform Pain into Purpose: Follow a research-backed, step-by-step process designed to help you harness your grief and turn it into a powerful catalyst for personal growth and positive change.

🌟 Private Online Community: Connect with a compassionate network of individuals who understand your struggles and are dedicated to helping you heal, providing a safe space for sharing and support.

Grief to Growth is a unique program that has already helped countless people take the next step forward after experiencing the loss of someone or something significant. By joining the Grief to Growth Online Cohort, you're not only investing in your own healing, but you're also becoming part of a community that fosters growth and transformation.

Don't miss this opportunity to join the Grief to Growth Online Cohort and start transforming your pain into purpose. 

Together, we will help you overcome your grief and build a brighter future, one step at a time.

What People Are Saying:

Prior to participating in the Grief to Growth Program, I was experiencing feelings of depression and hopelessness. However, during the past 8 weeks, I have managed to take some positive steps forward and am beginning to perceive glimpses of hope!


This has given me a fresh perspective! This program has given me with a fresh outlook on grief, emotions and self-perception in the midst of my brokenness.
